Seven Coloured Earths

Some more beaches and rock
- 12 May 2013 -

After the first day with my rental car and with Mauritius on my door step, I was excited to get out as much as possible while still had the car, so I woke up early again and decided to  head to the south side of the island and then ride to west along the coast.

As I approached the south coast I took a road towards the west. The tropical weather really makes a forest of interesting dense trees and vines, it was absolutely stunning.

Soon I was on a beach again and realized that the beaches here are just as beautiful as the ones on the east coast, but I was determined to swim in the ocean. The previous day I had walked into the ocean but because of the rocky terrain I decided it is best not to swim.... So today was the day.

I walked out into the water again, testing the water to see if I'm going have a proper swim but soon I spotted a purple sea urchin, which got me thinking that maybe this isn't the best place, so I just explored beach.

On this beach there is a rock protruding out into the ocean, but due to the erosion of the rock, the surface was razor sharp so I got my Crocs out of the car and headed out.

Heading west there was a road heading up the mountains. So I decided I would get a look from the top.

I reached a road leading to a waterfall and the Seven Coloured Earths... The light wasn't really right to get a good photo of the waterfall, I could edit the image in Lightroom, I didn't have my iMac with me on my travels, so I just stuck around and enjoyed the view. (I did get 1 photo)

Soon I was on the road again heading toward the Seven Coloured Earths.

The sand and rocks are absolutely stunning, the multiple colours are created by the soil that contains aluminium, iron and various other materials. Apparently it's not known why the soil doesn't erode and stays separate, even in the tropical weather and rain.

Helicopters tours are also available, it must be a fantastic sight for the passengers.

I found a little tree growing out of the soil which made for some good photography.

Also on the premises they had a couple of tortoises wandering around... pretty big ones!

Heading back down the hill I stopped over at a view point and caught a glimpse of the ocean on the south west side and decided to go down and explore. The beach I went too is situated around a corner next to the large mountain protruding out into the ocean. I found the beach and decided this is the place to swim so I grabbed my costume and took a dip.... It was fantastic. Blue warm water and quiet beaches.... the perfect beach.

Below is the mountain that is protruding out of the island with the i10 rental that allowed me to explore the island.

I decided it was time to head back up the mountain to the highest spot I could find.

The island is beautiful and a sight to remember, but it was time to head back to the hotel and hand in the rental car. It was the end of my weekend and the end of my sight seeing and it was totally worth it....

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